A Tribute to Scott Cunningham

It’s been 31 years since the beloved author, Scott Cunningham passed on from this life on 28 March 1993. Like many others in the Pagan community, I never knew Scott personally, though I felt that I knew him through his works which were a foundational part of my spiritual path, and which were the tools that opened my eyes to a wonderful earth-based spirituality.

It was the early ‘90s, and a magical Witchcraft shop had opened in Montreal. Melange Magique (The Magical Blend) was located right in the heart of downtown Montreal, on Ste Catherine Street West. I remember walking in and the first thing that I noticed was the amazing smell of handmade incense. It evoked something within me, something that I couldn’t describe at the time, but which I shall never forget and which changed me forever. I wandered the book section, with the cats that lived at the store lounging on shelves and wandering around underfoot. I came to a shelf dedicated to titles on Wicca. I had heard of Wicca only recently, from a course I was taking in college called “Magic, Religion and Science”. I picked up my first book on the subject of Paganism, and it was Scott’s Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. That book literally changed my life. It was the first Pagan book I ever touched, and I am so glad that I did.

Since then, I have read and bought every book that he ever published. And hundreds of other books from hundreds of other authors. Though my path has moved on from Wicca over the years to Druidry and Hedge Witchcraft, I still hold Scott’s words and ideals close to my heart. Yes, I call him Scott, as does everyone who ever read his books. The way that he wrote made you feel like you had a friend on this solitary, seekers path, one that had good advice and common sense. All of us GenXers who got into Paganism came across his works, learned from them and acknowledge (though sometimes grudgingly) that he was a seminal force for so many of us.

I see a growing trend in the last 5 – 10 years or so, of putting down Scott’s work. People say it’s outdated, that we’ve moved on from it, that it holds nothing for today’s Pagan practitioner. I say bollocks. I’ve reread all the books recently, and they still stand up fairly well, considering the time in which they were published. Material was difficult to come by back in the ‘80s and ‘90s, with only a few authors’ works widely available. There is little that I would argue about in his works, even today. Scott researched and tried out everything that he talks about, and so his works come from his own experience. He walked his talk and truly believed in his work and in his spiritual path.

He never claimed that his way of witchcraft was ancient. In fact, at the beginning of Wicca it is clearly established that this is a new tradition, and a new way of working in this spiritual path. He strongly advocated creating and designing your own rituals that work for you, in your particular area, for this was an earth-based path. This is something that I urge everyone to do still, because it means so much to work with your local environment and landscape, wherever that may be.

His style of writing was personal. It felt like he was talking directly to you. He urged the reader to explore, to try new things and not to do it his way, but to use that as inspiration. He also didn’t hold back when he had a strong opinion on certain topics, which I greatly appreciated. He wasn’t afraid to share his opinion, because it came from a strong and valid base of personal experience.

I still have the first editions of his books, because I bought them as they were being released, or within a few years of their initial release. Those early cover artworks, which so many people today often deride or make fun of, were that which sparked me into a magical way of thinking and being. On Wicca, the androgynous man in the robe wafting incense around his back garden by the light of the full moon, that image spoke to me and my romantic soul. I wanted to be that person, that person who chanted the names of the gods under the stars and who connected with the energies of life, death and rebirth that are all around us, all the time.

The woman on the cover of Living Wicca, well, I of course I wanted to be her: summoning or invoking the gods while the deer, rabbits and owls crowded around. And indeed I have had similar experiences over my years of practicing my Craft out in the wilds, calling upon my deities, the spirits of place, the ancestors and more. Never could I have imagined back then that it would become a reality, but it was a starting point and an ideal.

I wanted to know a goddess, a female divinity. I wanted the magic that we all have as children come back and be a part of my life in the present moment. These old book covers demonstrated that to me and more. They are now a backdrop to my life.

The covers have since changed, of course, to adapt to modern fashions and trends. But the contents within those books remain the same. The inner artwork of his books such as Earth Power and Earth, Air, Fire and Water still give me a little thrill. Illustrated by Robin Wood (who did the original covers of Wicca and the follow-up,  Living Wicca), these art nouveau inspired drawings of people working Scott’s spells and rituals were instrumental in making me want to do these practices. This was a spiritual practice that was meant for me, I knew that when I saw these images. And I could do all these things and more. (See Robin Wood’s tarot deck, too, if you love tarot. It’s really, really good.)

I think that many (though not all) of the people who don’t enjoy Scott’s works are from a different generation. They don’t understand what it’s like having to travel miles out of your way to buy a book on any Pagan spiritual practice, because the internet hadn’t been available back then in Ye Olden Days. Comments picked up directly from Aamzon reviews read as:

“A theme with cunninghams books is that they are all tailored to the novice who has never picked up a book on wicca or read about it online.”

Nevermind not bothering with punctuation, but this review fails to notice that Scott’s books were written before material was available online. And there were only a handful of Pagan authors being published at that time, so there was very little material for the novice to read which is why Scott wrote this book in the first place. It’s utterly ignorant of the timeline of the books’ production, its history and the legacy that Scott provided. Sadly, there are dozens of reviews like that online, stating that the information is readily available online, so why buy the book – sigh. Read the boring copyright and publishing info at the beginning of a book, people: it will tell you a lot about a book, when it was written, how popular it has been with different printings, and whether it has been re-published or re-worked. Scott was never able to re-work his books for a modern-day audience, because he died far, far too soon. But I am certain that he would have, and would have enjoyed doing so.

Where do you think all these online sites got the information from, I wonder?

New generations of readers have so much access to material now, that I suppose for some these books may not contain what it is that they are seeking. But for those who want to sit down with an author and their book and really see what it is like working in a certain practice, there is no better alternative than reading a book. So much online material is simply copied and pasted from other sources (many of which derive from Scott’s works) without any heart, feeling or experience behind them. They are soulless.

There are also many reviews from ego-based practitioners, who just want to show off how advanced they are because they are so beyond Scott’s works. Again, sigh.

Is Scott’s work all about love and light? In some aspects, that may be what some people take away from it. But once again, we must remember the context in which the books were written, which is the late 80’s and early ‘90s when Wicca, especially in America, was trying to distance itself from the threat of the “Satanic Panic”. Do the books promote a love for the earth and a way to magically celebrate, work with the energies and reverence the earth? Yes, yes they do. And thank all the gods that they do.

I even recently tried Scott’s simple ritual for the Spring Equinox, taken directly from Wicca. This was going to be an experiment, to see whether this ritual would still have any meaning for me today, someone who has been on this Pagan path for more than 30 years. And you know what? It was lovely. It was a beautiful, simple ritual that connected me to the energies of the seasons, and which brought me closer to the spirits of place where I live.

His spell books such as Earth Power and Earth, Air & Fire Water are still great books for anyone practicing magic today. If you are more secular, then these are the books from Scott that you should read. His books on gems, magical herbalism and spellcrafts are also really good resources for anyone following a Pagan path.

It’s not just about sentimentality, or nostalgia. It’s about an author who changed the face of how we practice most, if not all modern Pagan paths today. His influence is so far-reaching, and yet so many people new to the Craft have no idea of the significance of Scott’s works.  He is a beloved author for many, for good reason. He passed on way too soon from this incarnation, and I would have loved to see what his contemporary writing and works would have offered for today’s magical community.

It would have been wonderful to have journeyed with Scott through many subsequent books, but sadly we only have the ones that date from 1993 and earlier. There have been biographies written about Scott, such as Whispers of the Moon, which I highly recommend for anyone who has been touched by Scott’s work. Written by his friends, it’s a very good portrait of the person and makes him very real, outside of his Wiccan writing. It also demonstrates just how dedicated he was to his spiritual path, and just how much he walked his talk, always experimenting, always trying new things, always progressing on his own journeys. The newest biography, The Path Less Taken that came out in 2023 I found less interesting, and not as well-written though it was written by his sister. In this work she is open about the fact that she never read Scott’s works until after his death, and so knew very little about how he felt about his religion. The writing is disjointed, jumping all over the place timewise, and though most likely written from a place of love, falls short of actually portraying Scott as the magical pioneer that he was.

Would I still recommend Scott’s books to those who are interested in and just starting out on their path of Wicca? Most definitely. I would also recommend Marion Green’s A Witch Alone, Rae Beth’s Hedgewitch, Dorothy Morrison’s The Craft, Silver RavenWolf’s To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Starhawk’s The Spiral Dance and many other books of that generation. I know, I can hear many of you sighing from here. I would also suggest Thorn Mooney’s Traditional Wicca as well as The Witch’s Path, Jason Mankey’s Transformative Witchcraft, Danu Forest’s The Magical Year and anything Ellen Dugan has written, such as Seasons of Witchery and The Natural Witch (alongside ALL of her fiction work, especially the Legacy of Magick series).

Scott Cunningham’s legacy is one that still lives on today. And long may it continue.

Blessings of the full moon tonight!

I wish you all the very best, and blessings of this night’s full moon energy. May the light guide you in the darkest depths, and may your heart be full of the magic and mystery that lie all around.

Reviews Help Readers AND Authors

There’s in nothing an author likes better than a good review. And even a not-so-good review can still help an author to know where their work might be lacking, or where they may have missed the mark. Reviews are so important!

I always try to leave reviews for books, at least on Amazon, and as many of you know, I also review many other author’s works here on this blog. Although the beast that is Amazon is a bit unruly, it is where authors get the most sales, and so a simple review left there does actually really make a difference. It’s important to support your favourite authors in this way, although if you simply cannot tolerate Amazon, there are other review sites such as Goodreads which will benefit them as well.

I’m still getting feedback from my latest book, The Path of the Hedge Witch. More is always appreciated, of course, so please, leave a review if you haven’t already! What I would really like to know in a review is:

Did this book help you in some way?

Which parts really resonated with you?

Did you enjoy the style and tone of the work?

Was it easy to understand?

Would you recommend it to others?

If time is of the essence, then simply leave a star rating, eg. 4 out of 5 stars. This takes a mere second to click on the star rating you desire, and then you’re done. You don’t even have to write anything, just rate the book. This is yet another simple and effective way to support your favourite authors.

Last year I wrote a post on how to write meaningful book reviews, which you can always take a look at if you are interested. Not all book reviews need to be glowing endorsements of the work, but you can always write a good, critical review while being respectful and honest. This blog post was written from the perspectives of being an author, a book-lover and reviewer!

So, if you haven’t already, I would love to hear from you regarding The Path of the Hedge Witch. Feel free to leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, wherever you can, regarding the points mentioned above. This helps me not only to continue as an author, but to improve as an author.

And to everyone who has supported me on this journey of over a decade now, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

New Video: Beyond Beginner

Hiya! I have a new video up that relates to all Pagan paths, and not just Witchcraft (but needed a specific title). So, I hope you enjoy it!  

What Is It Like Being A Pagan Author?

What is it like being a Pagan author? Well, it might not be quite what you think! Growing up, I had always wanted to be an author. I wanted to write fantasy fiction, and indeed have written a fantasy book and hope to do more. This year I’m considering trying my hand at some modern, witchy fiction, alongside other books that I am working on. I hope to post up samples up on my Patreon page, along with other writing that I am currently working on later in the year. So, back to the question, what is it like being a Pagan author?

It’s wonderful to be able to share my journeys, my insights and my experience with my readers. To put information out there into the wide world, and have people respond to it is incredible. It can feel like you are setting your work free, to go where it needs to, while at the same time feeling scary as you don’t know how it will be received. But I have had the joy of so many people connecting with me, messaging me, emailing me and commenting here on my blog and on my other social media platforms about how much my work has resonated with them. It fills my heart with joy to know that I have helped, inspired or guided someone on their journey. That in some way I have helped others in this community.

When writing a book about your religion or spirituality, you are sharing a very intimate part of yourself. You are putting this out into the world, and hoping that it doesn’t get destroyed by negativity. You want to be well-received, or else it can feel like sending your child to school and they come home and tell you how they’ve been bullied all day. Putting work out there means sticking your head above the parapet. You are doing something you love, but you have to hope that the outside world will not destroy that love. It takes courage to write.

However, if you are considering becoming a Pagan author, don’t give up your day job! For most authors in any genre, writing is something that they have to do on the side, because the pay just isn’t that great. Until you can sell hundreds of thousands of books, your income will not support this career choice full-time. Many authors, myself included, have other platforms that help to support us, such as on Patreon. I also have a Bandcamp page, where I share music, podcasts, meditations and more as a sideline to my writing. If I was living alone, I wouldn’t be able to survive on these avenues alone. Many people know of my YouTube channel, and again that is an excellent venue for my creativity, but I do not make any money from it, as I refuse to monetise my channel. If I can’t control the type of advertising that appears on there, I won’t do it, and I feel that there is too much advertising in the world as it stands. To think that a MacDonald’s advert could appear in one of my videos just makes my skin crawl.

Royalties paid on books range from the usual 10% net income on every sale (that means that after everyone such as the retailer, the publisher etc. have taken their cut, you then get 10% of what’s left), to perhaps 15% if you sell more than 10,000 copies. Some publishers go up to 20% or 25% if you sell  a whole bunch more, but again that is net income and still isn’t all that much. Audiobooks usually offer the same, but can go up to 25% from the start, depending on your contract. E-books, similar percentages applies.

As a Pagan author these days, you are also expected to do a bunch of marketing. The publishers will initially do a big push at the release of your book (if they are any good), but then it is usually up to you to maintain the momentum. If you already don’t have much time on your hands, using any spare time for marketing can be an issue. Knowledge of all the different platforms is required, and many Pagan authors have to teach themselves how to use them, how to create a “brand” for themselves and more. Again, this is not an easy thing to do, especially if you are not into that sort of thing (most of us aren’t).  It doesn’t always work either, which can result in taking time away from your writing. Getting a publicist can help with this, but the amount that you pay them will usually cancel out, or at least take a huge chunk of any profit you do make from the sales of your book. We are not big-time authors, we are selling to a very niche group of people with very different interests than your popular crime, horror, thriller, fantasy, or romance author.

Essentially you will need to be tech savvy, when all you want to do is snuggle up with some cottagecore.

The time it takes to create a good book is also a factor. It takes me usually a year to research for a new book, and there will always be years of learning before then which are added to the mix. Then there is a year of writing that follows.  A good book doesn’t just happen in a couple of months. After the research and the writing, it then goes through several editing processes. Then there is the discussion of artwork (the book covers and interior artwork), and the correspondence between yourself and your editors regarding these and everything else mentioned above.

It has a lot to do with finding a balance between all these things: between the work that is less enjoyable than writing, and the writing itself. It is also being open to trying new experiences and taking on information and suggestions from others regarding your work. There is an essential task of taking good care of yourself as well, so that you don’t burn out while trying to balance all these things such as the research, the writing, the marketing, the design, the branding, etc. It is essential to take some time out to rest, to recharge and to ground yourself and your practice once again.

Often, as authors we are so busy writing about our spiritual practices that we don’t get much time to actually do them!

These periods of rest are necessary so that you have the energy to go somewhere new with your practice, to try new things and have new experiences. This will allow you to write about these new experiences and lessons instead of just re-hashing all your previous material.

Having a good publisher is for me essential. Self-publishing is extremely difficult, and it a lot of hard work. Publishers usually have much larger platforms to operate from than an individual, and so will sell more books generally. There are one or two self-published Pagan authors who have made it on their own, some of whom are now publishing through well-known companies. Finding good self-published material can be a challenge, as the expertise in editing, design and manufacture usually just isn’t there. Producing your own self-published work requires a knowledge and skill set that most authors don’t have and need to learn. Despite years of working in marketing for a world famous concert hall, my two self-published works still only sell a handful every year. My works with publishers such as Llewellyn sell a great deal more.

I am so grateful to my publishing team at Llewellyn for all that they have done for me and my work. I have published my last two books with them (The Book of Hedge Druidry and also The Path of the Hedge Witch) and am releasing another one with them in the autumn of 2024. Their years of experience and expertise has helped me to create my best work with them. Just with regards to proof-reading and suggestions in the editing process, they are hands down the best. They are also the oldest publisher of Pagan material, and so have that accolade behind them, reaching not only those of us who have been buying their material for decades, but also reaching out to people new to Paganism and all its various traditions. They are a company that has evolved over the decades, learned invaluable lessons and now produce the most wonderful books!

We authors live in a very different world to those authors who were releasing books 20, 30, 40 years ago. We have had to learn to multitask on a whole other level. We live in a consumer culture, and that takes its toll on the writer. We are expected to create content for various online platforms, and not just produce a book. We have and maintain our own websites and social media. Requests to do unpaid work, such as speaking at conference, writing articles for magazines, do interviews for other brands on their platforms: it all adds up. Authors often can’t give enough to meet the demand for free material. I know of authors that have over 88,000 subscribers on YouTube, but have less than 20 people supporting them on Patreon. So many people just want to consume content for free. The books often get lost, or ignored. Who can be bothered to buy and read a whole book when there is so much info out there online for free? Or available via illegal downloading?

That is another issue that authors today face: illegal sharing and downloading of their books on various internet sites. Most of these are scams intended to install trojans on your device, but some actually do offer your book to others for free. I’ve had to tell people to take down my book from their websites, as what they were doing is illegal. If anyone is offering you a pdf version of a book, know that it is an illegal download, and the author is not getting paid one penny for it. If money is tight, there are always libraries and second-hand book shops both in the flesh and online that you can visit to obtain the material legally, and still allow the author the benefit of the sale of at least one book in the process. I’ve written a whole other blog post about that HERE.  

Authors just have to try to navigate living in a world that is all about consumption, rather than conservation. It is hard to live and work in this kind of environment and still preserve the work that we are able to produce. We can’t give enough away for free, and so others will do it for us.

This takes me on to the issue of artificial intelligence.  The upside to all your hard work means that you reach a greater audience of people. The downside is that you reach the wrong kind of people, who are willing to take advantage of your hard work without doing any of their own. As of writing this blog post, I’ve had at least two of my books put through an AI programme to be “rewritten” for someone else to cash in on. And currently there is no law to stop them from doing that. When buying books, please do try to ensure that they are written by actual authors, rather than robots. Check for a website for the author, as well as taking a look at how many books they have released lately. For example, the “author” Mari Silva released four or five books in February 2024 alone. This either means that there is a group of ghost writers going under that name, or that the works have been processed and stolen from other authors using artificial intelligence. The fact that within six months to a year of some popular book releases by real authors in the community, “Mari Silva” then releases a book on the same subject, with similar contents just differently arranged. This deeply suggests an AI theft of someone’s hard work. And with the programmes being so good lately, it’s impossible to tell the difference between a real author and a robot just from reading the work.

Again, this all relates to a culture of consumerism, with its inherent greed, rather than a culture of preservation. We need to help preserve the hard-working authors that do the work, and who usually get paid very little in return in comparison with other forms of employment. We need to support the authors we love, however we can, whether that’s moral or financial support. We also need to buy more books, if we have the resources, instead of getting all our content online through other means.

Of course I am biased in my opinion, because I am an author. But I am also a reader, and I LOVE books. There is nothing like holding a new book in your hands. I remember saving up my pennies in my early days of college back in 1991, and then doing the hour-long bus journey to the witchcraft shop in downtown Montreal where I could buy a new book to help me on my journey. These books and their authors became not only my mentors, but also my greatest spiritual friends. Even though some have passed on from this world these past 30 years, their words still live on and I feel their presence in my life and in my work.

Being a Pagan author is a wonderful career, if you can make it work. It’s not an easy route to success, and it still succumbs to the dream of “overnight fame” and the like. The odds of that happening are similar to being an overnight pop star, or YouTube influencer. You can produce the most beautiful content on any platform, but whether or not it gets picked up is rather random.

However, if you have something to say, if you have a skill to impart, if you have inspiration whispering in your ear to go and write than book, then go for it! And I wish you all the best! Knowing that you can make a difference in people’s lives is worth all the challenges that you will face in this line of work.

Blessings to you all.

Available now, my new book – The Path of the Hedge Witch: Simple, Natural Magic and the Art of Hedge Riding: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Path-Hedgewitch-Simple-Natural-Riding/dp/0738772283

Join my Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/joannavanderhoeven

Website: http://www.joannavanderhoeven.com/

Bandcamp (podcasts, music and more): https://joannavanderhoeven.bandcamp.com/

Blog: https://downtheforestpath.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joannavanderhoeven

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joannavanderhoeven/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkI8C2dqmUb-eatjxaDWXmw   Buy my book – Hedge Druidry: A Complete Guide for the Solitary Seeker: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Book-Hedge-Druidry-Complete-Solitary/dp/0738758256


I came across this young fella while out walking on the heath yesterday. It was a true gift to be able to see him properly, as I had only had a brief glimpse of him last December. I knew and photographed his mother a few times back in 2020 and 2021, and always felt a kindship. Now her son has joined the herd, and continues her magcial and beautiful legacy.

Meet Legacy 🙂

Book Review: Witches’ Sabbats and Esbats by Sandra Kynes (Formerly published as A Year of Ritual)

Kynes’ re-published work through Crossed Crow books brings a long-standing classic back to life. Within its pages you will find good, solid foundations for starting your own practice, whether that is solo or in a group context. Indeed, she provides ritual outlines for both group and solo practices for each sabbat and esbat, which can be invaluable to the beginner.

There are good tables of basic correspondences, including that of the Norse runes. The runes in an esbat ritual are a new addition to the work, which I’m sure many will find interesting. The second chapter that presents the tables of correspondences and symbols in general is in fact new, and is a good starting point for those who are beginning to learn the ins and outs of a witchcraft or wiccan tradition.

The book is well-written, in an easy-going tone that draws the reader in, explaining things concisely without getting too flowery in the descriptions. The author’s own experience comes through in this work, and after having written nineteen books since the first release of this one, has become an established voice in the witchcraft and pagan community.

The only hiccup in this work was, for me, a personal one which others may not find issue with at all. In the October esbat ritual, it is dedicated to Tolkein’s elven mythology. For me it feels a bit wrong to call upon characters based in a set of fantasy books (albeit amazing ones and one of my favourite authors) and honouring them as an established mythos. For others this may present no problem at all.

A whole new generation of witches will be able to access this book once more, now that it is no longer out of print and re-released. I hope they enjoy it too.