Wicca Bashing

Okay, this is perhaps the longest blog post I’ve ever made! Here goes…

I’m noticing a growing trend of Wicca bashing on social media. I don’t have a lot of contact with other Pagans in the flesh out here on the rural coast of the North Sea, so I can’t really say what people are talking about face to face, if at all, about this phenomenon. But what I’m seeing online does make me uneasy.

Many people who are now in their forties and fifties started out on the path of Wicca. Some stayed, some moved to traditions and practices that better suited them. But at that time when Wicca was really starting to boom (late 80’s early 90’s) the majority of Pagan reading material centred around Wicca. And so, for the next twenty years, Wicca had the loudest voice in the Pagan community. With the arrival of the internet, things began to change, as information about other traditions spread more freely. You weren’t limited to what you could find at your local bookstore. More and more books were being published on other Pagan paths, and you could now buy them online without having to leave the comfort of your home. A whole generation of Pagans now had a ton of information literally at their fingertips.

And so the backlash begins.

The history of Wicca becomes widely known. The history of its founders. The misinformation that they had taken as gospel to use in the creation of their traditions. Their blinding mistakes became convoluted into something that was planned, exploitative even. They were liars and willing to create a false history to authenticate their claims. It was all bullshit.

At least, this is what people’s opinions on the internet seem to say.

There are several problems and issues at play here. The first is that people are far more inclined to listen to other people’s opinions on stuff rather than do the research for themselves. Yes, I realise the hypocrisy of this statement while writing this blog. But hear me out, and disagree with me if you feel like it.

Yes, there are problems with the founders of Wicca and what they created. There are issues of cultural appropriation, of discrimination and also of the sheer gullibility of some of these people who were willing to believe everything that they were told.

Is that so different to what is happening with social media today?

Those who are involved in Wicca are now questioning their past, and looking critically at these very issues. Wicca today has changed, has evolved. It’s just not the same as it was 30, 40, 50, and most definitely not 70 years ago. New writers are coming out every year, pointing out the difficulties and the way that they are dealing with and overcoming these issues to make the tradition appropriate for the modern day. And thank goodness for that! Because a religion or spiritual tradition that does not evolve with the times is one that creates dogma that quickly becomes outdated and which doesn’t appeal to modern folk.

We are now in a situation where we are told what to think, mainly through the avenues of social media. We are not told or taught how to think critically. If we do so, we can avoid the muck-splashing that results from (mostly older) authors (or AI bots) still circulating a lot of nonsense about Wicca and concentrate on the brilliant Wiccan authors who are currently addressing these issues today. I know, I know. I just wrote a review that stated that Raven Grimassi’s Wiccan Mysteries should never have been re-published. I stand by my opinion. That book needed to remain in the past, to allow for more modern authors to talk about what Wicca actually is today, correct historical inaccuracies and to discuss their various traditions, whether solitary, Gardnerian, Alexandrian, green, whatever.

This poses another problem. There are newer books out there (or old books that have gone out of print being re-released through different publishers) that only compound the difficulty around the debate. Some of these new books are simply AI written, rehashing the older books and making it appear new and available for all beginners to pick up and start their Wiccan journey. With the re-publication of older books, you have to look very carefully to see if this is a re-print from another title that was released 30 years ago, for example. Just buying a book these days requires a lot of research, to find out if the author is really a human being, or whether the work is old pretending to be new. The information at the beginning of the book (you know, where all that copyright stuff and ISBN details is on the left-hand side of a physical book?) can really help you out here. And then go and check to see if it’s a real author. Do they have a website? Click on the link to check that it’s an actual, working website. I was nearly fooled a couple of days ago. It’s not unknown for people to steal the identities of others to create Facebook pages to make themselves appear as real people. I came across an “author” doing just that a recently. Check on Amazon and look at their paperback books. When you look at the paperback versions, the release date is right there next to the title. Check out several of their books. Did they release six books last month? Chances are, it’s an AI programme writing the books, or a team of people who really have very little to do with the actual spiritual path they are currently writing about.

Then we come to the issue of what is real Witchcraft and what isn’t. I see Wicca as one of many traditions of Witchcraft. Because, well, the word Wicca means Witch. When I see people fighting over what is “real Witchcraft” I just have to sigh and go make a cup of tea. Because all this really is, deep down, is an ego issue. Wicca isn’t the cool kid anymore. Wicca isn’t edgy. It’s not dark, or dangerous, or even modern. It’s fluffy bunny crap, right?

I know plenty of bad-ass Wiccans out there.

Just because someone isn’t creating YouTube videos or Instagram posts with dark filters, skulls surrounded by roses and peeing in witch bottles doesn’t mean that their tradition isn’t real, valid or meaningful. The responses to Wicca as being white-lighter fluffy bunny New Age nonsense comes from those who are most likely feeling threatened because others are practicing differently. It’s easy to put someone else’ practice down to make yours feel better, edgier, whatever. But it serves no purpose whatsoever except to inflate one’s own ego. It has more to do with that person’s own issues of self-worth than it does with anything anyone else is doing in their own spiritual tradition.

There are so many misconceptions about Wicca. That it’s all about harming none. That what you do comes back to you threefold. Yes, there are some Wiccans who believe this, but then there are many, many traditions who don’t. It isn’t writ or ancient lore. I myself have been guilty of conflating these ideas with Wicca, but after doing a little research finding it to be false. The Wiccan Rede, for example, is not part of the first strands of Wicca that came out in the 1950’s.

Wicca has fallen out of fashion. Literally and figuratively. Check out social media spaces, channels, whatever, and you will find lots of “darker” stuff out there. The witch aesthetic, whatever that is. The filters. Don’t get me started on the filters that make everything darker. These seem to be reactions to a perceived and incorrect notion that Wicca is all love and light. So many of them are trying so hard to be edgy, cool, harder, more bad ass. The Wiccan author, Thorn Mooney, wrote in her blog post “Screw Your Aesthetic” for Patheos Pagan: “What good is infighting over authenticity when we spend more time sneering than practicing?” Too often people are spending their time bigging themselves up, rather than actually practicing a Craft.

I’m the first to admit I don’t look or act particularly witchy. My house isn’t filled with skulls and potion bottles and bones and dead flowers and lots of black. It’s more Scandi than anything else. I’m a pretty normal, well-adjusted person. In fact, I often get mistaken for a muggle in certain places because I’m not dripping with pentacles or loudly proclaiming my spiritual path through fashion. If that’s your choice, go for it, but I’ve never felt the need. But humans are visual creatures, and that’s what we respond to first and foremost. I’ve walked into Witchcraft shops in Glastonbury wearing hiking books and a good waterproof raincoat (because, well, it was raining and horrible outside!) and taken for a complete tourist who had no idea about anything, sometimes by well-intending shopkeepers and sometimes by sneering ones. Meh.

Wicca and other forms of Witchcraft do not have to compete. There is, in fact, no competition, no winners or losers. Assumptions are not helpful. We have to learn for ourselves, and develop our own opinions on things. How can we be certain that we are more knowledgeable than others, based solely on how someone looks, or what spiritual tradition they follow? Unless you really know them, it’s all about putting someone down to make yourself feel better. My facetious examples of “dark witchcraft” in this very blog post very likely should be included. But they help to make my point. That there is no “real Witchcraft” or no tradition that is more real or authentic than another. Over the last 1,000 years Witchcraft has changed, adapted and incorporated so many other traditions because it needed to in order to evolve and fit with modern times. And that process is still ongoing.

What someone thinks I do in my own Hedge Witch practice or Hedge Druid practice means absolutely nothing until they stand in ritual with me. That’s where you will get a real feel for what it is that I do, what I believe, and how I work with and communicate with the gods, the spirits of the land, the ancestors (and how they respond). You would have to spend weeks with me to see the real ins and outs of my practice, from my daily practice to how I use my spiritual path to deal with crisis, or joy, or day to day issues that arise in everyone’s lives. Making instant assumptions about someone because of the label that they use or what they look like is not helpful in the slightest.

This brings me onto the notion of those who believe that they know everything that there is to know about a tradition. If you’ve been around long enough, you’ve been there too (I did, in my 20’s. Boy, was I wrong). We’ve all been there. What we realise with time and experience is that there is always so much to learn, and that we are constant students in life. If you think you know more or know better than someone else, and feel the need to lord it over someone, then you are totally missing out on the wonders of being a student of life. We are all learning.

I think that bears repeating. We are all learning.

The person who is further along that path up the mountain isn’t better than the person who has just started out. They are just in a different place. If they are constantly turning around to shout advice or insults at the person starting out, they might not notice the loose stone under their foot until it too late, and down they tumble on their asses.

I think that a lot of the Wicca-bashing stems from inflated ego and a sense of one-upmanship. Some people think that Wicca is a starting point, and then you grow up and move on from there. If that’s your choice, fine, but that doesn’t make that correct for everyone. There are so many who have been in Wicca for absolute decades, because they have found a spiritual home there. It’s not because they have blinders on, or are ignorant, lazy, stupid or whatever. No, it’s because it is right for them. And if that upsets you, that’s your problem, not theirs. One Wiccan’s tradition or way of living in the world will vary widely from another person’s. As Wicca itself has now become an umbrella term, we need to acknowledge the wide and varied traditions and possibilities that this path holds.

Today’s Wicca is not your grandma’s Wicca.

So let’s stop coming down so hard on Wicca. Let’s stop parroting other people’s opinions simply because they make us feel cool. Let’s do the work and find out for ourselves about other people’s religious and spiritual paths before we start with the sneers. Let’s take responsibility for our opinions and our research. Let’s be sovereign in ourselves so that what we say and do comes from a place of authenticity, instead of from a place of shadow where previous experience, other’s opinions and self-denial rule. Let’s be our own judge, and use discernment wisely.

Let’s live and let live, if nothing else.

Blessings of the full moon tonight!

I wish you all the very best, and blessings of this night’s full moon energy. May the light guide you in the darkest depths, and may your heart be full of the magic and mystery that lie all around.

New Video: Beyond Beginner

Hiya! I have a new video up that relates to all Pagan paths, and not just Witchcraft (but needed a specific title). So, I hope you enjoy it!  

What Is It Like Being A Pagan Author?

What is it like being a Pagan author? Well, it might not be quite what you think! Growing up, I had always wanted to be an author. I wanted to write fantasy fiction, and indeed have written a fantasy book and hope to do more. This year I’m considering trying my hand at some modern, witchy fiction, alongside other books that I am working on. I hope to post up samples up on my Patreon page, along with other writing that I am currently working on later in the year. So, back to the question, what is it like being a Pagan author?

It’s wonderful to be able to share my journeys, my insights and my experience with my readers. To put information out there into the wide world, and have people respond to it is incredible. It can feel like you are setting your work free, to go where it needs to, while at the same time feeling scary as you don’t know how it will be received. But I have had the joy of so many people connecting with me, messaging me, emailing me and commenting here on my blog and on my other social media platforms about how much my work has resonated with them. It fills my heart with joy to know that I have helped, inspired or guided someone on their journey. That in some way I have helped others in this community.

When writing a book about your religion or spirituality, you are sharing a very intimate part of yourself. You are putting this out into the world, and hoping that it doesn’t get destroyed by negativity. You want to be well-received, or else it can feel like sending your child to school and they come home and tell you how they’ve been bullied all day. Putting work out there means sticking your head above the parapet. You are doing something you love, but you have to hope that the outside world will not destroy that love. It takes courage to write.

However, if you are considering becoming a Pagan author, don’t give up your day job! For most authors in any genre, writing is something that they have to do on the side, because the pay just isn’t that great. Until you can sell hundreds of thousands of books, your income will not support this career choice full-time. Many authors, myself included, have other platforms that help to support us, such as on Patreon. I also have a Bandcamp page, where I share music, podcasts, meditations and more as a sideline to my writing. If I was living alone, I wouldn’t be able to survive on these avenues alone. Many people know of my YouTube channel, and again that is an excellent venue for my creativity, but I do not make any money from it, as I refuse to monetise my channel. If I can’t control the type of advertising that appears on there, I won’t do it, and I feel that there is too much advertising in the world as it stands. To think that a MacDonald’s advert could appear in one of my videos just makes my skin crawl.

Royalties paid on books range from the usual 10% net income on every sale (that means that after everyone such as the retailer, the publisher etc. have taken their cut, you then get 10% of what’s left), to perhaps 15% if you sell more than 10,000 copies. Some publishers go up to 20% or 25% if you sell  a whole bunch more, but again that is net income and still isn’t all that much. Audiobooks usually offer the same, but can go up to 25% from the start, depending on your contract. E-books, similar percentages applies.

As a Pagan author these days, you are also expected to do a bunch of marketing. The publishers will initially do a big push at the release of your book (if they are any good), but then it is usually up to you to maintain the momentum. If you already don’t have much time on your hands, using any spare time for marketing can be an issue. Knowledge of all the different platforms is required, and many Pagan authors have to teach themselves how to use them, how to create a “brand” for themselves and more. Again, this is not an easy thing to do, especially if you are not into that sort of thing (most of us aren’t).  It doesn’t always work either, which can result in taking time away from your writing. Getting a publicist can help with this, but the amount that you pay them will usually cancel out, or at least take a huge chunk of any profit you do make from the sales of your book. We are not big-time authors, we are selling to a very niche group of people with very different interests than your popular crime, horror, thriller, fantasy, or romance author.

Essentially you will need to be tech savvy, when all you want to do is snuggle up with some cottagecore.

The time it takes to create a good book is also a factor. It takes me usually a year to research for a new book, and there will always be years of learning before then which are added to the mix. Then there is a year of writing that follows.  A good book doesn’t just happen in a couple of months. After the research and the writing, it then goes through several editing processes. Then there is the discussion of artwork (the book covers and interior artwork), and the correspondence between yourself and your editors regarding these and everything else mentioned above.

It has a lot to do with finding a balance between all these things: between the work that is less enjoyable than writing, and the writing itself. It is also being open to trying new experiences and taking on information and suggestions from others regarding your work. There is an essential task of taking good care of yourself as well, so that you don’t burn out while trying to balance all these things such as the research, the writing, the marketing, the design, the branding, etc. It is essential to take some time out to rest, to recharge and to ground yourself and your practice once again.

Often, as authors we are so busy writing about our spiritual practices that we don’t get much time to actually do them!

These periods of rest are necessary so that you have the energy to go somewhere new with your practice, to try new things and have new experiences. This will allow you to write about these new experiences and lessons instead of just re-hashing all your previous material.

Having a good publisher is for me essential. Self-publishing is extremely difficult, and it a lot of hard work. Publishers usually have much larger platforms to operate from than an individual, and so will sell more books generally. There are one or two self-published Pagan authors who have made it on their own, some of whom are now publishing through well-known companies. Finding good self-published material can be a challenge, as the expertise in editing, design and manufacture usually just isn’t there. Producing your own self-published work requires a knowledge and skill set that most authors don’t have and need to learn. Despite years of working in marketing for a world famous concert hall, my two self-published works still only sell a handful every year. My works with publishers such as Llewellyn sell a great deal more.

I am so grateful to my publishing team at Llewellyn for all that they have done for me and my work. I have published my last two books with them (The Book of Hedge Druidry and also The Path of the Hedge Witch) and am releasing another one with them in the autumn of 2024. Their years of experience and expertise has helped me to create my best work with them. Just with regards to proof-reading and suggestions in the editing process, they are hands down the best. They are also the oldest publisher of Pagan material, and so have that accolade behind them, reaching not only those of us who have been buying their material for decades, but also reaching out to people new to Paganism and all its various traditions. They are a company that has evolved over the decades, learned invaluable lessons and now produce the most wonderful books!

We authors live in a very different world to those authors who were releasing books 20, 30, 40 years ago. We have had to learn to multitask on a whole other level. We live in a consumer culture, and that takes its toll on the writer. We are expected to create content for various online platforms, and not just produce a book. We have and maintain our own websites and social media. Requests to do unpaid work, such as speaking at conference, writing articles for magazines, do interviews for other brands on their platforms: it all adds up. Authors often can’t give enough to meet the demand for free material. I know of authors that have over 88,000 subscribers on YouTube, but have less than 20 people supporting them on Patreon. So many people just want to consume content for free. The books often get lost, or ignored. Who can be bothered to buy and read a whole book when there is so much info out there online for free? Or available via illegal downloading?

That is another issue that authors today face: illegal sharing and downloading of their books on various internet sites. Most of these are scams intended to install trojans on your device, but some actually do offer your book to others for free. I’ve had to tell people to take down my book from their websites, as what they were doing is illegal. If anyone is offering you a pdf version of a book, know that it is an illegal download, and the author is not getting paid one penny for it. If money is tight, there are always libraries and second-hand book shops both in the flesh and online that you can visit to obtain the material legally, and still allow the author the benefit of the sale of at least one book in the process. I’ve written a whole other blog post about that HERE.  

Authors just have to try to navigate living in a world that is all about consumption, rather than conservation. It is hard to live and work in this kind of environment and still preserve the work that we are able to produce. We can’t give enough away for free, and so others will do it for us.

This takes me on to the issue of artificial intelligence.  The upside to all your hard work means that you reach a greater audience of people. The downside is that you reach the wrong kind of people, who are willing to take advantage of your hard work without doing any of their own. As of writing this blog post, I’ve had at least two of my books put through an AI programme to be “rewritten” for someone else to cash in on. And currently there is no law to stop them from doing that. When buying books, please do try to ensure that they are written by actual authors, rather than robots. Check for a website for the author, as well as taking a look at how many books they have released lately. For example, the “author” Mari Silva released four or five books in February 2024 alone. This either means that there is a group of ghost writers going under that name, or that the works have been processed and stolen from other authors using artificial intelligence. The fact that within six months to a year of some popular book releases by real authors in the community, “Mari Silva” then releases a book on the same subject, with similar contents just differently arranged. This deeply suggests an AI theft of someone’s hard work. And with the programmes being so good lately, it’s impossible to tell the difference between a real author and a robot just from reading the work.

Again, this all relates to a culture of consumerism, with its inherent greed, rather than a culture of preservation. We need to help preserve the hard-working authors that do the work, and who usually get paid very little in return in comparison with other forms of employment. We need to support the authors we love, however we can, whether that’s moral or financial support. We also need to buy more books, if we have the resources, instead of getting all our content online through other means.

Of course I am biased in my opinion, because I am an author. But I am also a reader, and I LOVE books. There is nothing like holding a new book in your hands. I remember saving up my pennies in my early days of college back in 1991, and then doing the hour-long bus journey to the witchcraft shop in downtown Montreal where I could buy a new book to help me on my journey. These books and their authors became not only my mentors, but also my greatest spiritual friends. Even though some have passed on from this world these past 30 years, their words still live on and I feel their presence in my life and in my work.

Being a Pagan author is a wonderful career, if you can make it work. It’s not an easy route to success, and it still succumbs to the dream of “overnight fame” and the like. The odds of that happening are similar to being an overnight pop star, or YouTube influencer. You can produce the most beautiful content on any platform, but whether or not it gets picked up is rather random.

However, if you have something to say, if you have a skill to impart, if you have inspiration whispering in your ear to go and write than book, then go for it! And I wish you all the best! Knowing that you can make a difference in people’s lives is worth all the challenges that you will face in this line of work.

Blessings to you all.

Available now, my new book – The Path of the Hedge Witch: Simple, Natural Magic and the Art of Hedge Riding: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Path-Hedgewitch-Simple-Natural-Riding/dp/0738772283

Join my Patreon community: https://www.patreon.com/joannavanderhoeven

Website: http://www.joannavanderhoeven.com/

Bandcamp (podcasts, music and more): https://joannavanderhoeven.bandcamp.com/

Blog: https://downtheforestpath.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joannavanderhoeven

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joannavanderhoeven/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkI8C2dqmUb-eatjxaDWXmw   Buy my book – Hedge Druidry: A Complete Guide for the Solitary Seeker: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Book-Hedge-Druidry-Complete-Solitary/dp/0738758256

A Pine Protection Spell

The spell below is one that I provided to my Patreon community. Each month, I post a different spell or information relating to spellcraft, alongside other offerings such as herbcraft, Book of Shadows material (rituals, info, etc.) personal updates via video and more. If you are interested in joining me on my Patreon page and supporting my work, please click the following link: https://www.patreon.com/joannavanderhoeven

A Pine Protection Spell

This is a simple spell that you can use for protection. It can be for yourself, the home, the car or anywhere you feel an extra added protection bonus is necessary. This protection spell requires a pine cone, and so the size will matter depending on how you wish to have it function. If it’s for personal protection and made to be carried around, a small pinecone that you can fit in your pocket or handbag is ideal. Slightly bigger ones can be used for the car, and even bigger ones in the home. As always, use what is available to you in your area, and make sure that you have permission to collect the pine cones both from the landowner and the parent tree itself when foraging.

What you will need:

A pinecone (or several, for protecting a larger area)

Red thread (if hanging them up to protect a larger area)

After collecting your pine cone/s, wait for a bright, sunny day. Hold the pine cone/s out in your hands and let it absorb the light of the sun. See and feel the sunlight streaming down into the cone, infusing it with its strength. Then, say these or similar words:

Cone of strength

Cone of power

I enchant you

In this hour

Light of sun

Strength of tree

Protect me now

And blessed be

You can repeat this chant three, seven or nine times, for extra oomph to the spell. Then, either carry the pine cone on your person, or if you have a large cone or several cones, tie them up with red thread and hang in a prominent space in the home. You can tie several together should you so wish. If you need something more discreet for the home,  place them in a nice bowl instead, where they will still work their magic and look decorative. If you are using this for travel protection in your car, ensure that you still have a fairly small cone that you can hang from the rearview mirror, and one that will not impede your view in any direction.

Add extra energy to this spell by spritzing the area with a pine needle and/or bark infusion. See the previous herbcraft post on Scots Pine for full instructions on how to make and use a pine infusion.

We Are Our Deeds

We Are Our Deeds

As we approach the end of the calendar year, my thoughts turn inwards in reflection. It’s a time to take stock of the year that has just gone, and to plan for the coming year ahead. The thought however at the forefront of my mind this moment is the saying: we are our deeds.

Actions really do speak louder than words. How many New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside, words that were not acted upon? What we do says a lot more than what we say. Just look at the politics of the UK right now. It’s all words, and actions that are either missing or which belie those very words. It’s seeking to be in the limelight, to be popular, to further one’s own personal agenda. It’s corruption, lies and squirming to get out of a self-created hole. It’s a real mess, to put it mildly.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. How many times have we heard that phrase? Be the change, it says. It’s up to you to put in the effort: it is your deeds, not your words that will shift the narrative. How we live and what we do will say more than words ever could. We have enough examples in politics and the media of those who words do not accord with their deeds, of lies and deceit, scandal and cover-ups. Let’s not be like them. Let’s live our lives better.

Our lives are totally integrated. With others in our household, with the ecosystem where we live, with the entire planet. As such, we must look towards our own personal integrity, to ensure that the integration is real. If we really want to integrate and be an integral part of the whole, we need to do things differently. We have to have our own personal integrity, first and foremost. Without that, what are we? Where are we?

Words are important, there is no doubt about that. Keeping to your word increases your own integrity, your might and your main: your personal power. Following up your words with actual deeds keeps them honourable. These actions build within us, until we find our lives changing, because we have changed. Intention means nothing without action.

We will all fail at something at various points in our lives, whether it is living up to our words or our own expectations However, it is when we begin again, when we follow up failure with action, when we pick ourselves up an try again that we find integrity. We can learn as much from our failures as from our successes. It’s in the action of doing, of trying, where we learn the lessons, not in the thinking of it. Thinking is an abstraction. If you want true change, our deeds must follow our thoughts and our words.

There are things that need to change in my life, and areas where I can do better, be better. At this time of year, I am clarifying those issues, honing them down to a single statement that I can remember to put into action when a situation calls for it. It’s not enough to have a vague idea of where I’m going or what I’m going to do in a certain situation. An action plan is called for, so that when it arises in any circumstance I am prepared with the tools necessary to take action, to allow my deeds to prove my words.

This year, I urge all those who are making New Year’s resolutions to do the same. Hone and refine what it is that you wish to change, to a single, simple sentence. Write it out, if you can. Pin it up where you can see it every day. Say it to yourself morning and night. Integrate the words into your very being so that when the situation calls for the change, you will remember your words, your oath and your resolve. And you will do the right thing. Your deeds will reflect you. Your deeds will say more than your words ever could.

In this time of winter, when the short days and long nights bear down upon us, think about integrity and integration. Think about words and deeds.

And do the thing.

Blessings of the winter solstice to you all, and happy new year.

New Video: Beloved Autumn and Samhain

I’ve just uploaded a new video onto my YouTube channel: “Beloved Autumn and Samhain”. I hope you like it 🙂