A Pine Protection Spell

The spell below is one that I provided to my Patreon community. Each month, I post a different spell or information relating to spellcraft, alongside other offerings such as herbcraft, Book of Shadows material (rituals, info, etc.) personal updates via video and more. If you are interested in joining me on my Patreon page and supporting my work, please click the following link: https://www.patreon.com/joannavanderhoeven

A Pine Protection Spell

This is a simple spell that you can use for protection. It can be for yourself, the home, the car or anywhere you feel an extra added protection bonus is necessary. This protection spell requires a pine cone, and so the size will matter depending on how you wish to have it function. If it’s for personal protection and made to be carried around, a small pinecone that you can fit in your pocket or handbag is ideal. Slightly bigger ones can be used for the car, and even bigger ones in the home. As always, use what is available to you in your area, and make sure that you have permission to collect the pine cones both from the landowner and the parent tree itself when foraging.

What you will need:

A pinecone (or several, for protecting a larger area)

Red thread (if hanging them up to protect a larger area)

After collecting your pine cone/s, wait for a bright, sunny day. Hold the pine cone/s out in your hands and let it absorb the light of the sun. See and feel the sunlight streaming down into the cone, infusing it with its strength. Then, say these or similar words:

Cone of strength

Cone of power

I enchant you

In this hour

Light of sun

Strength of tree

Protect me now

And blessed be

You can repeat this chant three, seven or nine times, for extra oomph to the spell. Then, either carry the pine cone on your person, or if you have a large cone or several cones, tie them up with red thread and hang in a prominent space in the home. You can tie several together should you so wish. If you need something more discreet for the home,  place them in a nice bowl instead, where they will still work their magic and look decorative. If you are using this for travel protection in your car, ensure that you still have a fairly small cone that you can hang from the rearview mirror, and one that will not impede your view in any direction.

Add extra energy to this spell by spritzing the area with a pine needle and/or bark infusion. See the previous herbcraft post on Scots Pine for full instructions on how to make and use a pine infusion.